How about getting fit for your trail running adventures?

The Trail Co. was created out of passion for the most primal of sports; the one which has shaped our evolution as human beings.
The aim of The Trail Co. is to offer bespoke training programmes which are not heavily structured and therefore allow our athletes to embrace the freedom our sport inspires.
We also organise training camps in the alps which, apart from being great active holidays, are also great preperation if you are embarking on a mountain ultra. We also offer private training clinics to suit your time and training requirements.
Our training principles are pretty simple. Though we know there are some hard and fast principles that apply to almost anyone, we believe everyone is an individual with specific needs and requirements.
In other words, while some athletes require some pretty traditional training blocks and sessions to keep on track with their training and motivation, others need more subtle guidance and respond far better to a 'looser' style of coaching.
We always recommend and include various types of cross training in our programmes. We strongly believe that variety makes for a more durable, happier runner.