The Community

Much like liquorice all-sorts , trail runners are a colourful and diverse bunch. At heart you can always expect to find the same golden qualities. A friend made on the trail is usually one you can count on. However, in the following post I will focus on what I think are standout characteristics of the typical trail running group members and the related dynamics.
The Optimist: This runner will always underestimate the duration of a planned route by give or take 37%. His perennial state of denial will therefore cause runners to come under-prepared, making them late to other appointments. He is despised by his friends' partners (in many cases he is the cause of premature break-ups). In the hot summer months his unrealistic goals will often lead his followers and himself to dehydration.
The Tardy One: ‘I’m running a little late’ is something you’re guaranteed to hear from this one whenever she decides to join a run. In this person's lexicon 'a little' equates to around 30 minutes. Once at the meeting spot, this runner presents herself in their office outfit and will then have to change into their running attire. She is always missing some critical piece of equipment, like shoes. The exasperated other members of the group then have to pull together to sort out their friend who will inevitably have to be somewhere else in 45 minutes for an appointment for which she 'cannot be late' . . .
The Gadgeteer: As the category clearly implies, this one buys all the latest gadgets. He has studied and researched all the specifications of his equipment and will always present himself with impeccably clean shoes and colour-matched apparel. He will only join a group run when he has the opportunity to show off his latest purchases. He will then disappear for weeks or months on end as he works overtime to save up for technology the astronauts of the International Space Station can only dream of. This runner's belief system is that he can throw money at buying fitness through all sorts of concoctions - oregano oil anyone?
The Seasonal Runner: In small trail running communities, this furtive runner might also play the role of the Gadgeteer. Much like the name of this blog, this runner’s interest in the sport goes through a cycle of peaks and troughs. She will enthusiastically join group runs after a long absence and have grand plans for big adventures and impossible races. However she is never around long enough and it is quickly time for this runner to go back to hibernation. The real presence of this member is often doubted by the other runners and in some circles she is described as a possible mystical creature.
The Leader: As this runner gets older and loses his speed, he starts to use different strategies to make sure he's always leading the pack. He will often cite other runners' needs to slow down a run or announce that the pace planned today should be below level 1. He is known to give wrong directions to whoever challenges his alpha male status until these fall into submission. A well-timed request for a group photo, half way up a nondescript long steep climb, is another preferred tactic. As most of the other members of the group look up to him, he will give false, possibly debilitating information to those he fears might take his place. He will usually turn into a nervous wreck through insomnia for fear that a coupe might be in the works.
The Misfit: She will often have fallen into the group by chance. Nobody knows how she joined or who introduced her to the group. This runner always turns up to run with the group but is more interested in the social aspect than the actual outings. She will always need directions to the meeting spot but will know all about the best place to replenish the calories consumed. In many ways the antagonist to the Gadgeteer, this runner never invests into proper trail running shoes and equipment. The other group members reluctantly take it in turn to lend her their spare headlamp as she is still 'trying to find a good deal'.
The Complainer: Whether the route planned is 5 or 50 kilometres long, the Complainer always says he is under-prepared / unfit / nursing an injury. Though they usually still show up, a barrage of gripes ranging from the start time (too early/late), route (too hilly/technical/flat), pace (always too fast) ensues. He will compare the faster members of the group to demigods, yet the reverence will often change to blasphemy as they inadvertently upset him. The Complainer is never satisfied and will continue to hold a grudge about their performance even after making a good effort.

Yet, as I said at the beginning of this post, the resounding quality of the typical trail running community is that everyone looks out for one another. A helping hand, on the trail and especially off it, are always on offer. Perhaps as we look across the vast expanses of the mountains, deserts and oceans we find a true appreciation of the smaller things in life. Like a sip of water for out thirsty trail runner buddy or the new gps watch with wrist-based heart rate . . .
Tell us about the other characters in your community. I'm sure we've missed a few!